Metal Engraving

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Laser engraving metal is a durable and legible way of marking many metal materials. Different processes are used depending on the type of metal being engraved.

Treated metals – anodized, lacquered, spray veneered

If the metal has been pre-treated or coated the laser will engrave away this top coating to reveal the metal finish below. Different treated metals will produce different effects.

Bare surface metals – compound engraving

If engraving a non-treated metal the C02 laser will not mark the surface well. In this case we use the compound marking method. A chemical layer is sprayed onto the metal. When the laser comes in contact with the chemical it is fixed to the material resulting in permanent black marks.

  • Special order metal engraving materials from us.
  • Also engrave own supply metal materials or objects.
  • Metal cut to your custom size and engrave.
  • Cylindrical items can be engraved using rotary laser engraving equipment.


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